Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Can we afford another Accidental Prime Minister…?

As the battle of 2019 draws closer, it’s time to voice the opinion in forums. It has the risk of being called Bhakt but then it doesn’t matter, since it’s better than being a Chela of dynastic politics.

Though personally refrained from posting much of pro-government related info from many years, few incidents made to rethink.

Few months ago, saw a post saying King XYZ built Fort, Emperor ABC built Palace but Modi could build only toilets and few others saying he is fit for that only. Well people don’t realize, infrastructure is also of prime importance along with monuments. In 2014 the rural sanitation of India was 39% and today it has crossed 92%.

Irony was when the Statue of Unity got inaugurated and same people questioned on why to spend crores of money when India has so many other issues!!   

Well in democracy everyone has right to raise their opinion and it’s the beauty of system and I am not against it.

However, it is also phase where we need to share the positive work being done from past few years. Yes, I do agree there were few flaws but the schemes introduced outnumbered defects and that information need to be shared to the mass. There are hundreds of topics we can be proud of – from Udan to Generic Medical to Neem Coated Urea to National Security to River Port Systems.

Recently observed series of deleterious propaganda on various forums without giving a single appreciation to government with sole objective of creating negative opinion during elections.

It's time for people to shun the shyness and be open and accept that they support the government and talk for it. If we think anyways we don’t care such negative news over the actual good work done and ignore it, this will lead to catastrophic effect.

There are large number of people who are fence sitters with no awareness which side of the story to trust nor part of any ideology. If we don’t share the positive news, than sure we will lose them.

At this point of time we don’t have any other mass leader who can pull everyone together. We know what happened when a strong leader is not chosen, how small parties play their self-centered politics.

No sapling will become tree overnight, let’s give chance for the just sown seed to grow, after all we had patience for 60 years, and another few years should not be a problem.

Even after all this, if NDA loses in 2019, its ok, it is people opinion, but at least there will be no regret that common people should have joined hands to educate others on above factors.

At the end,the big question is -Is India ready for an Accidental Prime Minister in 2019 ..?

Memoir of Cricket Club – a Startup Story

  Well, let’s do one thing? Instead of playing randomly like this, shall we have an organized cricket club and we will play matches through ...